The Second 10K

Last night I finally reached ten thousand words in my rewritten draft. It feels really good to get to the first big mile stone in any big project, but this is hopefully going to be the final draft that works on the story, although no promises I won’t make major changed in a redraft – I know how I work and I take tiiiiiime to get things just as I want it.

I have had a week off from my day job, which was supposed to be full of social things but because of the snow storms I haven’t been able to do almost any of what I had planned, so instead of moping and getting cabin fever as I normally would in such situations I have locked myself in my office and just written. Although we managed to take the dog for a walk yesterday and all he did was play in the snow. It was cute. You should’ve been there (you shouldn’t, it’s freezing and there’s two feet of snow in the garden).

Just a quick update today, because I don’t have much to report and quite frankly I want to make the most of this time that I have off. I will update again soon with another more detailed post about my reading of Frankenstein and ‘The Monster’ in storytelling. I have a few more articles to read on that yet though, so watch this space.

Sorry for not posting more often, too, it’s been a bit of a busy few weeks.

Don’t tread on the flowers

F x

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